Sunday, December 16, 2007


ok, was allowed computer time here at hospital at 2 am. feel like a hacker! was able to figure out passwords to get in.
honor's counts still drop at night.
I thought for sure she would be home thursday night and she is still here. and let me tell you-we could not have gotten through that night without the amazing, sacrificial love of Ellie Hoch and Karen Clemente-they were both incredible-scott was in philly and ellie stayed the night with ez, walked dogs, got him up ready for Geneva and to the bus by 7:30! and Karen stayed by my side till 1:30-I cry when I think of both of them. Now there's some serving the body of Christ eh? humbling for me.
Honors ox levels fall at night making her dependant on oxygen. she is getting prednisone, breathing treatments and today, finally, more antibiotics, which will help. all normal for pneumonia and asthma (which they say she has) but it is taking a while to stabilize her.
now that they have moved us out of quiet, peaceful, cozy, river view icu where I shared her bed and put her breathing tube back in and the nurse did treatments all night long for her to
motel 6,
girl, we ain't sleepin' and her counts keep dropping.
she is in those big ole cribs and keeps taking out her tubing which sets the nurse a running.
the lady next to us has had her newborn in the room for a while.
she is entertaining guests with TV blaring at 2 am.
no joke.
ah, but I complain.
phil 2:14.
her counts have to stay stable, without oxygen, for 24 hours, before she can go home. either scott or I stay with her round the clock and the other handles ez, ironing, and dog whispering.

love to all.


cagedwisdom said...

I'm glad your community is loving you so well. I'll pray for her lungs and blood and for all of your strengths. Miss you dearly and wish I could come over and walk the dogs tonight through the park and the snow.


Caroline said...

hi sweet loves, praying for you all, especially for little honor's oxygen counts and that whatever is keeping them low would be discovered and remedied as soon as possible. miss you so much and, like kevin, wish i could actually be there to help you whisper the dogs and love on ezra.

all my love, all our prayers for peace and strength in christ -- caroline and marco

Scott Crosby said...

After several hours of laps around 6 North, oxygen tank in tow, Honor finally drifted off around 10:30PM this evening. She's resting peacefully. We have a nurse named Hunter who rocks. We've been moved to a (currently) private room and it is towards the back corner of the floor - not much noise and lights are nice and low. Thank you for your prayers. Please, keep 'em up!