Tuesday, November 20, 2007

blonde vs. God, part 2

this morning's reading from the Vox bible was
samson falls for a Philistine woman who gets him in a big stew.
ezra listens.
I go to get more tea.
"that woman was a trap", says Ezra.
(our family bible lesson 6 weeks ago was about traps of the heart)
from the tea making area-"Yup"
"the pig tailed girl in my class is my trap."
?-me envisioning calls from the teacher.....
"No, she is a lovely girl from a wonderful family-she is not your ...trap."


ok, then chocolate and tv, those are my traps....."
ah, aren't they for everyone, sweet boy


Anonymous said...

I love reading the stories about Ezra. Kids are great and say the greatest things! I wonder what profound things William will say as he gets older...

cagedwisdom said...

The kid is perceptive and thoughtful. Great quality but this could be a bumpy ride for awhile if he doesn't filter what he says.. I look forward to hearing about the conversations you get to have with other parents and their children who are stumbling blocks for the integrity of your son.