Friday, August 31, 2007

bull terrier alert

ok, with all the dog fighting stuff in the news........I am going to leave Elvis to the side for a sec-wait till I tell ya about Elvis and my cousin Trisha-

anyhoo, scott went to Costco in NJ today, a hot, hot, muggy day. too hot to bring 3 canines and leave them in the car, and yet, he did just that.
I asked "you did not bring them to Jersey, did you?"
"Of course I did"
"You left them in the car as you went into Costco?"
"Yes. windows up and all. "
"I left the air conditioning on and the car unlocked. Who is gonna take our car with 3 dogs in it and Molly in the driver's seat? I had no worries at all. None."

ok. Peace of the Lord? Peace of Cesar Milan? Piece of whoever tries to get in our car?


cagedwisdom said...

I see the Logic of having molly in the front seat and not thinking this would be a bad idea, maybe. Could we have run this scenario in the holodeck first because this sounds like something Tom and Harry would cook up. Nice Job Scott.

Anonymous said...

That's crazy...I had to share with Matt - something he would probably do. Funny, funny, funny..but Scott's right - I wouldn't go near the car with three big dogs :)