Monday, September 24, 2007


the other one of you who reads this, asked me why I am not blogging.
I am blogging, often, actually.
but all in my head.
and they are wonderful, I am sorry you are missing them.
I seem to be busier than ever. and actually, every mom I know is busier than ever-every single mom.
and I am tuckered. if you can believe it,
I fell asleep walking down the street with my children-twice-this week. closed my eyes, stroller veered, dreams began-so odd.
and I pee'd my pants while walking with the kids, but I guess I should keep that private, right?

but here are a few of the blogs I have written/ with pix/ that you have missed.

1. JP is really a carpenter in St. Louie
- aka-Vacation bible School @ Redeemer with uncle kevin with his hand up a penguin puppet

2. Mass. girls NOT malled by pit bull, news at 11
-my nieces came to stay with us for a week this summer and fell in love with -Molly. and she loved them too

3. Absolutely, I'm great with kids
-babysitting the beautiful Wolma children this summer and all our excursions

4. my favorite place ever
-cape cod at miss nancy's house this aug with mum and dad

5. are we really this loud all the time?
-our wonderful family labor day picnic in Maine at Mike's house.

6. you wanna paint the ceiling blue as well? to save you time? ah....
-having the apt painted this summer by the landlord's painter

7. That was yummy cake! Not!
-the camping trip with the Lehmann's and Wolf's that never happened.

8. the backyard
the many, many dinners in our backyard garden with friends and cousins this summer

9. Conversion @ Graceland
watching and listening to Trisha realize just how handsome Elvis was @ our Graceland visit 10 years ago this Oct.

10. Honey, does this sequined Manuel outfit make me look fat?
asking the supreme Elvis expert (even on 20/20 show) just how much elvis weighed when he died and watching the middle aged, over weight, elvis loving housewives (my, that describes me now) move away from Trish and I and banish us to the back of the Elvis line.


Stacy said...

I saw those same women at the Sun Records tour in Memphis this summer. Don't worry, you aren't one of them until you get a visor with a bungee cord across the back.
love from philly,

Anonymous said...

Wait - am I the other one, or am I the other other one? I love your blogs. Move to London - it's free gardens for everyone!

Anonymous said...

I really didn't think the girls would be malled.... just Molly-ed and then want us to get a dog!

and my dear sweet cousin, our trip was a good 13 years ago this October -- keep pretending you haven't hit 40 yet!

Love you
and yes -- I am too so very tired??? Why is that.....

Anonymous said...

Count me in for being mommy tired - and I've just began this wonderful experience.

Dana said...

Huh. I've been blogging in my head, too.
What's kinda neat is that tonight I began creating a list of things that I was going to blog but never did (just like you), but I didn't get around to posting it (unlike you).